Monday, October 12, 2009

The Incredible Edible Egg

I have started this new program of eating in my life. I went to Amsterdam over Labor Day weekend and realized how much more American ate. When Americans go out to eat we pick an item from the menu and in 30 minutes this heaping pile of food comes your way. I, being the food lover I am, was ecstatic and would eat until I became so full that I was uncomfortable. When I ordered in Amsterdam, 1/3 of the portion would come out on a plate. I realized that this is actually the portion I should be eating. I was full when I was done but not uncomfortably full. When I came back to NYC I pledged to try and control my portions more. I find this especially difficult because I have such little self-control. When there is something delicious in front of me, I just can not help but keep putting more in my mouth. This new found trying to eat better was also induced by pictures being posted on facebook by a friend of mine from a beach vacation we took this Summer. I was in shock and realized that I have to get my eating under control. If you think this means I will only be posting "healthy" things on this blog, you would be mistaken my friend. I will just bring those yummy treats in to work so they won't be sitting around my apartment yelling EAT ME!

Anyway, about this egg post. I am trying to eat things that are good for you in little portions throughout the day. Therefore, I will have this feeling of being full and can cook yummy things for dinner and not feel too guilty. For breakfast, I have a banana and a cup of coffee. Then for my mid-morning snack I will have 2 hard boiled eggs. Lunch is an apple and a can of diet coke, followed by a Oats and Honey bar at mid-afternoon. Then something delish for dinner. Needless to say, it took me a little bit to get a perfect hard boiled egg. (I said this blog was going to be at retarded dog pace) Sometimes they were runny on the inside and other times they had the green ring from being overcooked. (FYI: this is due to the manifestation of the iron and sulfur compounds in the egg. It does not affect the egg's taste but harms the quality of the protein)

Here is the foolproof plan for hard boiling an egg. Put eggs in a medium saucepan. Cover with cold water. Put the saucepan on med-high heat until the water starts to boil. Then remove from heat and cover for 20 minutes. Chill until ready to eat.

1 comment:

  1. If i don't eat at least one egg a day, I dont feel complete, eggs are awesome!

    P.S. I also have a very healthy cholesterol number
